Maternal Health Support In India: Did You know this???

Hi Zactive Moms! Did you know that the Indian government launched a maternity benefit program in 2017? 

  • Are you pregnant and you did not avail this?

  • Mommies who have already delivered must be thinking, what is in it for us? So, don’t worry Mommies, even you can avail the benefits, just read on!

And even if this benefit isn’t for you, you should surely share it with someone you know, a mom-to-be, who requires such financial assistance from the government of India.


If this too doesn’t entice you, then have a look at the total number of beneficiaries who have already enrolled for these benefits.

A total of a whooping 3.11cr women have already subscribed! Then what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in and learn more about this!

In this article, we will explore the key details of PMMVY, including its objectives, eligibility criteria, the application process, and the benefits it offers.

What is this scheme, PMMVY, we are talking about?

The name of the scheme is The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY). This is a maternity benefit program run by the government of India. Under this scheme, a cash incentive is provided directly to the Bank / Post Office Account of Pregnant Women (PW) and Lactating Mothers (LM) for their first living child.

What are some of the benefits of the scheme?

What are the eligibility criteria of the scheme?

What is the amount of the monetary benefit that you can get through the same?

This is a conditional cash transfer scheme, and the incentives are given in installments for fulfilling certain conditions related to Maternal and Child Health. Cash transfer is done directly into the bank account of PW or LM women.

Having a baby? Get ₹5000/- from the government

But, before you know when and how you can receive such benefits, you must know the following key terms.

Last Menstruation Period (LMP):

Mothers need to provide LMP for receiving these benefits. LMP refers to the 1st day of your last menstrual period before falling pregnant. This information is typically used to calculate the Expected Due Date (EDD) which is typically 40 (+/-) 2 weeks.

Mother and Care Protection Card:

The MCP card helps in timely identification, referral and management of complications during pregnancy, child birth and post natal period. The card also serves as a tool for providing complete immunization to infants and children, early and exclusive breast feeding, complementary feeding and monitoring their growth.

Now, that you have understood the terminologies, let us look at the timeline for availing these benefits:

The incentive is provided in three installments, subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions related to maternal and child health. The first installment of Rs. 1000/- is provided on registration of pregnancy, the second installment of Rs. 2000/- is provided on receiving at least one antenatal check-up, and the third installment of Rs. 2000/- is provided on registration of the child's birth and completion of the first cycle of immunization.

Let us look at some of the important conditions and checklists that you must adhere to for availing these benefits:

Implementation and Funding of PMMVY.

The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) is implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, in collaboration with state governments. The scheme operates through the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and the National Health Mission (NHM) at the district and block levels. Beneficiaries can apply for the scheme through Anganwadi workers or Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) at designated health centers.

Funding for PMMVY is as under:


- Central government contribution: The central government covers 60% of the scheme's total cost, which includes financial assistance, administrative expenses, and monitoring and evaluation.

- State government contribution: The remaining 40% of the scheme's cost is contributed by state governments. They are responsible for implementing the program at the grassroots level, ensuring smooth fund disbursement, and raising awareness among eligible beneficiaries.


The scheme has been successfully implemented in various states across India, benefiting numerous women.

Some Frequently Asked Questions :

(as per the Ministry of Women and Child Development Government of India New Delhi )

Q.1. Is LMP Date mandatory to be provided to claim benefits under the scheme?

Ans. Yes, the LMP Date, as found in the MCP Card is mandatory to claim the 1st and 2nd instalment. If LMP Date is not provided, the beneficiary is not eligible to claim the 1st and 2 nd Instalment and can claim only the 3rd instalment provided she fulfils the conditionality for availing third instalment of the scheme.

Q.2. How can a beneficiary avail service if she registers herself with the field functionary after 150 days of LMP?

Ans. The beneficiary has to register her pregnancy at the approved health facility within 150 days from the date of LMP which needs to be entered in the MCP Card. Thereafter, she can apply for availing maternity benefit at Anganwadi Centre or to ASHA/ANM within 730 days from the date of LMP.

Q.3. How many Antenatal Check-up (ANC) needs to be done for availing 2nd instalment?

Ans. The beneficiary is required to do at least one ANC for availing 2nd instalment. The instalment may be claimed after 6 months (180 days) from the LMP date.

Q.4. Can a beneficiary undergoing ANC and delivery in Private hospital avail the benefit?

Ans. Since only government hospitals have authority to register/ update the MCP Card, beneficiary taking services from private hospitals can not avail the benefit of the scheme as MCP card details are mandatory for claiming any instalment under PMMVY. However, if the requisite conditions are duly certified by a government doctor or officer/ functionary of the Health Department not below the rank of ANM, the beneficiary can claim maternity benefit under PMVVY and the claim should be accepted by the Field Functionary (AWW/ANM/ASHA).

The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) is a significant initiative by the Indian government to provide financial assistance and support to pregnant women and lactating mothers. This program aims to ensure the well-being of mothers and their children by addressing wage loss, providing nutrition and healthcare services, and empowering women. By understanding the eligibility criteria and application process, you can avail the benefits offered by PMMVY and contribute to a healthier and safer future for both you and your child. You can also share this blog or inform a person who can get benefitted by this.

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