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4 positions to use in labor for a normal delivery

As the due date drew near, Parul from ZactiveTM mom group found herself on a rollercoaster of emotions, from the excitement of impending motherhood to the looming questions about labor. Like any mom-to-be, she had her share of worries. "Will I remember all those breathing techniques? What if my birthing playlist is just a list of baby animal noises?" Yet, one question kept popping up: “How can I make labor less like a Bollywood drama and more bearable and fast”

This is the most common worry that most pregnant women have which even makes them think about going for a C-section. In this blog, we'll explore four optimal positions for labor that can enhance focus and facilitate a smoother normal delivery.

1.Sitting on a Birthing Ball: Position to use in early labor

  • When to Use: Early and Active Labor
  • How it Helps: Sitting on a birthing ball can relieve pressure on the lower back and pelvis. This position encourages proper alignment of the pelvis, allowing the baby to descend more easily. Research indicates that using a birthing ball during labor can reduce the duration of the first stage of labor by promoting optimal fetal positioning (Study: Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health).

What to do if hospital inn't equipped with birth ball?

If the hospital isn't fully on board with birthing balls, don't hesitate to bring your own. Advocate for your comfort—after all, it's your dance floor!

birth position for normal delivery

2.All-Fours/Hands and Knees: Position to use in active labor.

  • When to Use: Active Labor
  • How it Helps: Getting on hands and knees can alleviate back pain and create more space in the pelvis for the baby to descend. This position has been associated with a decrease in the use of interventions such as forceps or vacuum extraction, promoting a more natural birthing process (Study: American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology).

If you hospital isn't supportive: If your hospital isn't hands-and-knees-friendly, discuss alternative positions with your healthcare provider or consider hiring a doula for extra support.

3. Squatting: Position to use in second stage of labor.

  • When to Use: Transition to Second Stage
  • How it Helps: Squatting opens up the pelvic outlet, allowing for a smoother descent of the baby. Research suggests that adopting a squatting position during the second stage of labor may reduce the duration of the pushing phase and decrease the risk of perineal tears (Study: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews)

If your hospital is not encouraging: Explore alternative birthing centers or consider hiring a birth doula to assist in labor. Flexibility is key, both in positions and birth plans!

4. Side-Lying: Position to use when resting in labor.

  • When to Use: Second Stage of Labor
  • How it Helps: This position is excellent for conserving energy during the pushing stage. Research has shown that side-lying can reduce the risk of perineal trauma and the need for episiotomy, contributing to a more comfortable birthing experience (Study: Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care).

When doctors don't tell all details: Lot of times doctors don't tell us how to rest between contractions or how to rest before the pushing phase so women end up exhausted. Use this knowledge to fuel up your energy for the actual task!

Listen to Manaswitha Paturi from Zactive mom community share her positive expereince with a normal delivery!

In conclusion: Finding the Ideal Birthing Position for Your Journey

As expectant mothers like yourself embark on your labor journey, armed with knowledge about these optimal positions, you will feel more confident and prepared. Whether sitting on a birthing ball, squatting, or adopting a side-lying position, these positions enhance focus, alleviate discomfort, and contribute to a smoother birthing experience.

Remember, every labor experience is unique, and it's essential to communicate with your doctor to determine the best positions for your baby's birth!

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