Pregnancy is such a magical time, isn’t it? Seeing those two pink lines, feeling the first flutter of kicks, imagining what your little one will look like—it’s a journey filled with excitement, hope, and endless advice from everyone around you.
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What Happens After the Baby Arrives? Why Motherhood Feels Harder Today? Let’s Talk About the Numbers What Do Modern Moms Truly Need? What is House of Zelena Doing About This?But here’s the thing nobody really prepares us for: what happens after the baby arrives.
Suddenly, all the focus shifts to the baby. From how much they weigh to how they’re sleeping, everyone wants to know how they’re doing. And as a mom, you go from being the centre of attention to the shadows. It feels like the world quietly assumes your work is done now that the baby is here. But in reality, your work is just beginning—and it’s harder than you ever imagined.
The sleepless nights, the crying (sometimes yours, sometimes the baby’s), the body that feels unfamiliar, and the overwhelming weight of responsibility—it can feel like a whirlwind. And while everyone gushes over how cute your baby is, you’re left wondering, “Does anyone see me?”
The truth is, postpartum can be a lonely and isolating phase, even though you’re rarely alone. The endless feeding sessions, the diaper changes, the mental load of trying to get everything “right”—it can take a toll on your mind and body.
And yet, society rarely talks about the mother after the delivery. It’s as if the journey of motherhood stops at birth when, in reality, that’s just the starting line.
Does This Sound Familiar?
- You’re constantly asked, “How’s the baby?” but no one asks, “How are you?”
- You scroll through social media and see picture-perfect moms, while you’re struggling to find time for a shower.
- You’re physically exhausted, emotionally drained, but still pushing yourself to do everything because that’s what good moms do, right?
- You miss the old you—the one who could sleep in, meet friends, or even just sit down with a hot cup of tea.
If this resonates with you, know that you’re not alone. Millions of moms feel this way, but not enough of us talk about it. And that silence only adds to the loneliness. Take a look at the questions mothers are asking in the Zactive mom community.

Why Motherhood Feels Harder Today?
1. We’ve Lost Our Village
Earlier, women didn’t raise children alone; they did it as a community. Extended family and neighbours would step in to help with chores, babysit, and offer advice. People lived in joint families more, where grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins would be around to share the load. Now, with nuclear families and urban living, moms often have no one close by to share the load.
2. The Pressure to Be a ‘Perfect Mom’
Social media makes it worse. Perfectly styled moms with smiling babies and spotless homes flood our feeds. It’s easy to feel like you’re not good enough. We all have seen moms sharing videos of cooking meals from scratch while raising 4 kids and having perfect hair and make up on Instagram. While this isnt real life, its something that adds to the already mounting pressure that if others can, why can you? Our grandmothers didn’t have Instagram—they relied on real advice from real women! This is extremely important to note as real mom advice is gold and that is why we are bringing to you a solution to get you this support! Keep reading!
3. The Dual Burden of Work and Parenting
Many Indian moms juggle demanding careers and full-time parenting. They strive to be excellent at both but often end up exhausted. Add to that the societal expectation that moms are the primary caregivers, and you can see why so many feel stretched too thin. “Millenials are the first generation to “do it all "", confided one of our community moms and we agree. Never before had women had so much responsibility. In earlier times roles were defined, where men worked and women managed home and kids. Now while many women are also working, most men still dont contribute their part in managing home and kids which puts a double burden on women. The lack of adequate maternity leave policies, flexible work arrangements, and societal support exacerbates their struggles.
4. Lack of Proper Postpartum Support
In traditional Indian culture, new moms were pampered with special diets, massages, and months of rest. Today, maternity leave barely lasts a few months, and postpartum care is limited to a doctor’s check-up at six weeks. Emotional and physical recovery takes time, yet most moms are expected to "bounce back" quickly. Most mothers are breastfeeding babies up to 2 years and that's a really long time to go without the right physical or mental support. Moms are expected to just magically navigate this critical time of their lives - ALONE.

Let’s Talk About the Numbers
According to a systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization
- 1 in 3 Indian moms reports feeling lonely during the first year of motherhood.
- 2 in 5 moms experiences postpartum depression, but most don’t seek help due to stigma.
- 70% of moms admit to neglecting their own health to prioritise their family.
These numbers aren’t just statistics; they’re real moms, just like you and me, struggling silently.

What Do Modern Moms Truly Need?
We asked our community this question and the responses were nothing but heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. It's a shame that women have to fight for basic things like the right support. The first six weeks after delivery are critical, but recovery doesn’t stop there. Many new moms continue to struggle physically, emotionally, and mentally long after this period, some upto 10 years or longer if not addressed. Here is what postpartum moms truly need and what we are doing about it!
1. Real Postpartum care:
2. Mental Health Support:
3. Affordable Physical Recovery Programs:
4. Supportive Communities:
5. Real Life Tools to Deal with Motherhood

What is House of Zelena Doing About This?
After knowing that moms are wanting we have the perfect solution! With the support of 2 lakh + moms, 40+ experts with over 50 years of combined experience, we have the House of Zelena app- the village modern moms need—a complete maternity wear, motherhood and community-led app made for moms, by moms.
Imagine this:
- You’ve just given birth and, after a week of sleepless nights, you’re worried your baby isn’t latching properly. Instead of Googling frantically, you log into your app, check in the QnA section and get practical tips immediately.
- You’re overwhelmed with postpartum body aches, so you join an online postpartum yoga class specifically designed for new moms.
- Feeling emotionally drained, you enter a forum and share your feelings. You get responses from other moms making you feel seen and supported.
- You get daily parenting tips, reminders for self-care—all in one app, so you’re never alone in figuring things out.
Moms need more than well-meaning advice—they need accessible, practical, and consistent support. Real postpartum care, a safe space, and practical tools aren’t luxuries; they’re essentials that empower moms to thrive instead of just survive.
By providing these, we can truly honour the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child.” In today’s world, that village starts with the right support system. What kind of support do you think moms need the most?
Download HOUSE OF ZELENA'S APP for pregnancy and new mom wellness! Its India's first GenAI powered app for pregnant and new moms! Share in the comments what did you like the most about the app! We’d love to hear from you!
Completely agree to this. The stats explain it all. Kudos to team hoz who is doing so much for mothers. The mom community and now app! Much needed! 👍👌
Namratha Baliga
Yes i agree the pressure to raise kid and be a good mother is too much today. It gets so hard to cope on most days. I feel what is wrong why I dont feel like doing anything. Information is too much so we feel whatever we do is wrong. it was much simpler before when there was not so much information. I feel this app will be good for moms as we get mom answers in the chat. Thats what we want to know- we dont want google answers which are scary. Mother needs so much support and care and its good to see a brand that care :)
Yes i agree mothers today are lonely. mothers today dont have anyone who supports us. I will download the app as i feel mothers need someone who tells her she is doing it right!
Soni Jain
I have been in HOZ community from the time I conceived till now when baby is 6 months old! I cant thank you enough for the help I get. Moms need a village which understands, resources which are science backed and not superstitions and a group of women who say – ur doing it right! I got it all from HOZ! Congratulations on the new app launch! Its a wonderful addition to a mothers life – it has everything a mother needs from shopping to QnA to baby names. My fav feature is daily tip which is something we can come back to the app for! I feel notifications wiill be a good addition to the app like do a daily task and come and update so moms will keep opening the app or something like depending on mom preference we send daily challenge like workout or mental health and moms collect points which can be redeemed with clothes! Great work team HOZ :)
Wholeheartedly agree that mothers need more support than its available. so many women in earlier generation were burnt out. my mom is so angry all the time the reason is so many years of being ignored and neglected. I dont want this to be me. Good work House of Zelena! Looking forward to seeing you grow this way!