Motherhood is a journey unlike any other—beautiful, messy, overwhelming, and heartwarming all at once. Yet, no matter how many books you read or how much advice you gather, nothing quite prepares you for the reality of becoming a mother.
Did you know that over 80% of new mothers experience self-doubt in the first year? And that 70% of moms say they didn’t anticipate just how much their identity would shift? The emotional rollercoaster of motherhood is something most of us only truly understand once we’re in it. But if we had the chance to sit down with our pre-mom selves—to whisper words of wisdom, reassurance, and love—what would we say?
Perhaps you’d tell yourself to accept the chaos and let go of perfection. Maybe you’d remind yourself that it’s okay to ask for help, that self-care isn’t selfish, or that the sleepless nights won’t last forever. Or maybe you’d simply say, “You’re going to be okay.”
So, let’s open this conversation. If you could go back and tell your pre-mom self one thing, what would it be? Drop your thoughts in the comments below—your words might just be what another mom needs to hear today.
Let’s build a space where we uplift, encourage, and remind each other: we are not alone in this journey!
Soni Reddy
I got paused for a minute, because I don’t remember what I was and how my days were in pew mom phase. I just want to RELIVE once again my pre mom life.. this time I don’t want to hurry on anything, is the kitchen or dishes not done, leave it. You have all the freedom and me time, so Go out more, Watch all the movies, series without worrying about any pending household chores.. If you get pregnant, don’t think this is the hardest part and worry. Enjoy it till the time it lasts because you will have more worries once your baby arrives. Somehow be part of House of Zelena mom community so that you can speak your heart out in your tough times.. But please don’t over eat junk in pregnancy as it will be hard to reduce it later😅
Priyanka Khanna
I want to say," Maze kar lo, because once baby comes into your life, everything will revolve around him/ her. It will be very very difficult to find time for everything. there will be days you wont have time to comb your hair and take a bath. practise speaking for yourself you find it very hard to say NO. But when your baby comes if you dont learn to say no – you will feel burnt out , exhausted and frustrated. say No as soon as you feel you cant do it. You will feel suffocated if you stay in 1 room and not interact with adults so please talk to adults. Mom groups like Zactive moms will be your saviour and stay in touch with your entire group! Most days will be rollercoaster of emotions but I promise you that you will end up so much stronger than you are!"
Meenal Patra
I want to say this to my pre mom self, " Dear minty, i wish I could tell you how different life is on this side. Sometimes I wish i could turn back time to when I was you, when I was the youngest in the house. Pregnancy is beautiful but postpartum will be brutal. Today when I wrote dear minty I had tears in my eyes because nobody calls us that anymore. I am mumma now. Before your little one arrives make sure you feel mentally ready for it because there will be days you will feel so alone as if the world is moving fast around you, people are getting jobs getting promoted, buying houses, going on vacations and you havent moved from your room. You will feel like you dont know your place in the world anymore. On those days read this comment, that you have created life and for that life – YOU ARE LIFE. Your best friend Rachna will hate you because you are not finding time to talk to her so please dont let it happen. Remember your group from college – they are on whatsapp so take time and talk to them. You will loose yourself but you will find the new you. Minty is still there in me, but now Drisha has taken her place in the house. I will remind you that you are important still and I wont forget you – the woman I was before I became a mom"
Samridhi Malhotra
Samridhi mumma to Samuels/Sammy before she held her whole wide world in her arms:
“Sleep sweetheart, sleep as much as you can! Go around and wander as much as you can! Catch up with your friends physically and emotionally as much as you can. Do whatever you want to as once your little patootie pops out, that baby shall be the most demanding and dependable person for you as much as you can even collate. And that is how it must be after all, if I consider my baby my world then that world needs to be rocked (quite literally grins) and made the safest and adorable place to be.
Also, those who say pregnancy stage is a cakewalk in comparison to postpartum, they are complete jerks. Those Insta reels are not true for all. Many women struggle to conceive, carrying that little life inside them sometimes costing them their life. So, please be grateful and thankful for making it through. :)
And no, not at all it is true that you shall forget all the pains while birthing as and when you see your baby’s face. It shall happen but for a moment, post that an ocean of emotions, hormonal changes and pains shall take over. But dont let all of it from stepping yourself into this most adventurous journey of life. Just take one day a time! Ask for help, express and eat well. As the days shall pass by, you will have less self-doubt and more confidence in who and how you really want to be. The baby’s growth and little gestures shall make up for all the sleepless nights and days. Stay away from toxicity, just stay away!
I will also tell you that it is okay to not feel okay many a times. And I wont ask you to be ready and nobody can ever be ready for the entire life to take about turn within a day (the day you deliver). Also, baby understands everything so stay happy and healthy as much as you can, the same shall pass onto your baby.
Also, dress
Remember that during babies grow quite fast, days seem to be longer but years pass by at the click of a finger.
So, remember darling giving birth and raising a child shall test the best and worst out of you but it is going to be totally worth. Till then have all the fun and prepare well for all the run”
- Mumma bear wants to sleep
Vinutha S
Remember how you look now, see in the mirror. You feel you are not beautiful but when you become a mom it will be more hard to love yourself. Your weight will be out of your control so focus on healthy diet and exercise now itself. There will be days you won’t recognise yourself in the mirror. Dark circles and scanty thin hair will be your friend in the first year. Everytime you miss your old self look at your baby. She thinks you are the most beautiful most important in the whole world. Is there a bigger blessing? You will manage even on days you want to give up!