*This is a podcast interview in the series - Regular Moms | Regular Birthing Stories*
The final days to meet your baby are here! It feels overwhelming and your emotions are all over the place!
Are you ready? Have you packed your hospital bag? How will labor be? Is it a girl or a boy? The list is endless and at the same time your body is stretched to its limits!
We spoke to Pritha Malhotra, an instagram influencer and a new mom to-be, who is just days away from delivering her bundle of joy!
“This is the hardest month of my pregnancy!” she very honestly shares,
Watch her entire video interview in hindi here :
Pritha, who has 2 weeks to go for her due date has shared the challenges that every mother goes through. Being prepared goes a long way in making sure that the mother has less anxiety postpartum.
“I feel so breathless. I just took a bath and I feel exhausted. The trips to washroom have increased so much and its disturbing my sleep”, Pritha says.
If you are currently pregnant or wondering how would the last month be, you need to read the entire blog! Pritha has also shared how she is preparing to welcome her baby, how to spot false labor pain, how to develop a support system for yourself for postpartum care and many more relevant things which every expecting mom needs to know!
You can also hear it in podcast (audio only) here :
Did you know? 9th month of pregnancy is exhausting but regular walking will help to keep you active and ready for labor! Add this 247 maternity active wear that Pritha approves to your wardrobe!
(PS: Always ask your OB/GYN before doing any kind of exercise in pregnancy!)
When are you likely to give birth?
Lets look at some statistics!
A research study published in National Institute of Health states that 60% women will give birth before or on their due date!
Which means you are likely to give birth anytime between 38 and 40 weeks of your pregnancy!
Due date is quite uncertain in most women. A very interesting study was published in Pubmed. According to this study, one aspect of pregnancy uncertainties is the date that a pregnant woman is predicted to go into labor, or the due date. This date is a calculation based on the first day of a woman's last menstrual period. In practice, this means that these estimates are an accurate predictor of gestational age within one to two weeks, meaning that the exact day a baby will born is uncertain unless a medical provider schedules an induction or a cesarean section (c-section) before a woman goes into labor.
A full-term pregnancy lasts 39 to 40 weeks of gestation. However, the optimal time to give birth in terms of outcomes for the baby is 40 weeks. Unfortunately, the trend for maintaining a pregnancy for 40 weeks has been declining since the 1990s. This decline in pregnancy length is thought to be the result of elective inductions and c-sections, in other words, inductions and c-sections that have been performed for nonmedical reasons. Researchers estimate that 10-15% of all births are the result of elective deliveries before 39 weeks of gestation.

Survey research suggests that pregnant women may not understand the importance of maintaining a pregnancy through 39 weeks: In a 2009 survey of 650 women who had been pregnant within the previous 18 months, only 7.6% chose 39 to 40 weeks as the safe time to deliver. So its important to note that its not possible to predict when you might go in labor unless you have an elective planned C-section.
Here are 7 things you must do in your 9th month! Read till the end to know a must-buy nobody talks about!
1.Keep your insurance papers and documentation ready!
This one will be the topmost priority in your 9th month! Lets face it, pregnancy and delivery is EXPENSIVE! We suggest you get your delivery covered by insurance even before you conceive! If you are working, talk to your employer on the coverage you will get along with additional benefits you are eligible for in your postpartum period. Thank us later!
This is a good time to get all your hospital papers, identity cards and other important papers as needed by your hospital ready to go! If you need to pay from your pocket, depending on how much insurance will cover, do keep the balance amount ready!
2.Do a trial run to see how much time it takes to reach your hospital in traffic!
“Its important to choose the right hospital. Its okay for us even if its at a little distance”, Pritha has shared in her interview.
We second her thoughts and its very essential that you feel comfortable with the place you will give birth in! However, we suggest to a trial run in your 9th month to see how long its taking to make this as uneventful as possible!
We usually don't think about this, but when you are using your own mean of transport to get to the hospital (and not an ambulance), you can face unexpected delays, traffic jams, accidents in your route. Its advisable to know alternate route to reach your hospital in such emergencies. This is especially needed if your hospital is more than 15 minutes away!
3.Stock up on essentials at home for when you get back from the hospital!
When you get home with your baby, there is hardly anytime to manage other things in the house. Its advisable to keep essentials for at least 1 month stocked up at home to reduce the anxiety!
Buy the things that you love beforehand, as mothers rarely go anywhere outside apart from the routine check ups for baby. There are snacks you love, that moisturizer you always use, those series you like to read - get it ready for YOU!
Get extra batteries for remotes, maternity pads, diapers, baby care products and feeding pillow. You will thank yourself later!

4.Ask your OB/GYN questions on labor and delivery beforehand! We encourage spouses to be involved in this as well!
This one is so important!
We suggest you visit your OB/GYN in your 9th month as a couple on the threshold of parenthood and ask these questions:
- What does labor pain feel like?
- When do I need to come to the hospital?
- Any symptoms I need to watch for?
- How much will my baby kick? (In the 9th month since baby has less space to move you need to confirm the kick count with your doctor!)
- Which doctor will attend to me when I go into labor?
- When will you be able to reach the hospital when I am in labor? (Some doctors are on call and come only when needed!)
Its wise to write down these questions before visiting your OB/GYN as you might forget something important!
5.Decide on your support system for postpartum care!
Line up your support!
You will be needing lot of rest to heal and recover. And you will have a baby who needs round the clock care as well.
Indian families usually have parents who offer help. Hire a help around the house as well for chores like cooking, cleaning the house and ensuring smaller work is done. You will need a minimum of 2 months rest to heal, some women even take longer. Give yourself time and grace, you have just made a human being!
Listen to how Pritha has planned for her postpartum care in her interview to get some tips!
6.Pack your hospital bag and ensure you have your own self taken care of too!
Lot of women wait till the last moment to pack their hospital bags. When I was expecting, my bag was ready in my 8th month! Its wise to pack your bag in your 9th month, if not earlier!
We suggest to pack 2 bags - one for baby and one for YOU!
If your husband will be coming with you, pack a small bag for him too! Remember you need a minimum of 2 day hospital stay depending on your type of delivery and baby health. This can increase if you or your baby has any health issues that need monitoring. So plan ahead.
Most hospitals give the list of things you need to have in your hospital bag.
Make sure you take essentials for yourself. You might find baby essentials in the hospital itself but you might not get things for yourself.
Some essential you need to have:
- Maxi dresses/ gowns to wear after delivery.
- Intimate care products like maternity pads, mesh panties.
- Self care products like moisturizer, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb.
- Towels and napkins.
- Your favorite snacks!

7.Make sure your postpartum clothing essentials are sorted out!
Post delivery, its important to wear clothes that are comfortable. Whether you have a C-section scar or stitches from a normal delivery, you will want to have clothes that are easy on your body. And you will need nursing friendly clothes that will help you breastfeed your newborn with comfort!
Here is an essential product nobody tells about but its a life saver! Breastfeed your baby with confidence! Get this Honeycomb Nursing cover now!
This is super useful postpartum! Birth of baby means visitors! And baby gets hungry, anytime anywhere! A nursing cover is God-sent for moms who can breastfeed whenever needed!
To make your breastfeeding journey easy. we have launched India's first Exclusive Honeycomb nursing cover collection!
It has a breathable honeycomb fabric and its made up of superior poly-cotton blend! It allows baby to see outside but its not possible to see - in!
You will breastfeed your baby in privacy as well as comfort and style!
It is a must have in your hospital bag moms!
The more prepared you are, the more confidence you have will have postpartum. Your newborn will be keeping you busy in the first few months so its essential that you use the time you have before you deliver carefully!
What to do next?
- Share this article with your friends and family!
- Subscribe to our channel on you tube for more content on pregnancy and motherhood.
Want your birthing story to be featured?
Drop me an email at mayura@houseofzelena.com with the subject “Hand that rocks the cradle”
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