*This is a podcast interview in the series - Regular Moms | Regular Birthing Stories*
Today we're sharing the wonderful story of Surbhi, a mother of two adorable babies.
Her motherhood journey which started at a young age where she was clueless about post partum struggles to becoming a confident mother the second time round, she gives strength and courage to all mothers and to - be mothers.
In this interview, Surbhi shares her experiences with us - from the moment she found out she was pregnant for the first time to struggling to care for her first born in the absence of a support system.
She talks about starting her struggle with post partum depression, something which many mothers face and which isnt spoken about a lot.
She discusses how she learnt to help her firstborn learn by doing activities with him and how she started sharing her struggles on social media so new mothers have some idea of what to expect.
She also shares the amazing experience of her second pregnancy and birth and how she became a more confident mother the second time round! She gives lots of wonderful advice on healing after C section and what you can do to recuperate faster!
She talks about many important issues like handling two children and balancing their care so the older one doesn't feel left out!
Above all, Surbhi gives many practical and important tips and advices to new mothers. She exudes compassion and joy as she tells how her journey of motherhood, with its ups and downs is very fulfilling.
We hope you find her story inspiring and educative and it helps you in your journey of motherhood!
Watch her entire video interview here :
You can also hear it in podcast (audio only) here :
When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” —Charley Benetto
Tips and advice for new mothers
What can you do to adjust into your life as a new mother?
If you're a new mother, chances are you've been through a lot in the past few months. You might be exhausted and overwhelmed, but don't stress out too much! Here are some tips and advice for making it through the first year:
1. Get as much sleep as possible. A good night's sleep is crucial to helping you feel rested and energized throughout the day.
2. Don't skip meals! Your baby needs food, so don't forget to eat something even if you're not hungry. It'll help keep up your energy levels!
3. Don't worry about whether or not you'll get enough sleep—your baby will get plenty because he or she needs it more than you do!
4. Take time for yourself every day—even if it's just a few minutes of quiet reflection in front of the mirror before bedtime each night (or anytime during the day).
It will help keep your perspective and make sure that everything is handled well during this challenging time in your life—and that means everything from caring for your baby
How to be a better mother?
1. You're not going to be able to do it all, and you need to remember that! So remember ro take a break!
2. Be prepared for your baby's cries. They will get louder and more frequent as they get older, so it's important to be prepared for that.
3. Have some quiet time with yourself, too! You're going to need some time where you don't have to think about what needs doing next or how you can help your kid learn something new today.
Tips for Dealing with a new mother! (For the Fathers out there!)
New mothers are a strong and proud group. They are ready to take on the world, and they want your advice.
1. Be patient with her. It's hard for new mothers. She may be tired, she may not be sleeping well, she may feel depressed or anxious about her baby—but don't let that stop you from being there for her. She needs you more than ever right now.
2. Don't compare her to other moms who've had it easier (or harder). New moms are different, so don't expect them to act like other moms do. Just be there for them—because they need someone who will listen when they talk about their feelings and who will support them through this scary time in their lives!
3. Help her find balance between work and motherhood. Being a mom isn't easy (just ask any of the dads out there), so try to make sure that she has time away from work or other activities that she can spend with her baby as much as possible
4. Do your duties as a father and help the mother with night time care of baby, diaper changes, feeding and rocking baby to sleep and the million other errands that keep cropping up!
Shower her with love and pamper her like never before! She has done the most amazing thing ever - getting your baby home!
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