
Fussy Baby: Could It Be Colic?

Does your newborn cry for hours on end, seemingly for no reason? You're definitely not alone! Many babies experience colic, a period of frequent, intense crying that can leave parents feeling frustrated and exhausted. These times are exhausting and frustrating for any new parent who just doesn't know how they can soothe their little one. While the exact cause of colic is unknown, it's important to remember it's not a sign of bad parenting or anything wrong with your baby's health.

 Symptoms of colic can include: 

  • Crying for more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks. This is often referred to as the "rule of threes."

  • Clenched fists, arched back, and a red face during crying spells.

  • Difficulty calming your baby down, even with soothing techniques that usually work.

  • Often seems to occur at the same time each day. The most common time babies experience colic is between 6 and 9 PM referred to popularly as “ witching hours”

If you suspect your baby might have colic, it's crucial to talk to your paediatrician. They can rule out any underlying medical conditions and offer strategies for managing the crying. Here are some additional tips that might be helpful:

  •  Skin-to-skin contact:  Hold your baby close to your bare chest. This can be calming for both of you.

  •  Shhh sounds and gentle rocking:  Mimic the sounds of the womb and recreate the rhythmic motion while singing or shushing the baby.

  •  Warm bath:  A warm bath can be very soothing for a fussy baby.

  •  Feeding adjustments:  If you're breastfeeding, consider eliminating certain foods from your diet that may be causing discomfort. Talk to your doctor about any dietary changes. Check for latch of the baby or bottle to know if the baby is unknowingly swallowing gas.

  •  Tummy time: In waking hours give the baby supervised tummy time to help compress the abdomen and release gas. 

  •  Burping after feeds: This one is as important as tummy time. Burping helps babies to release the trapped gas they might have ingested while feeding and helps to prevent colic.

But here's the most important part: We want to hear from YOU!

Head over to the comments and share your experiences with colic. 

Did you find any particular technique helpful in soothing your little one? Maybe it was a special type of swing, a specific white noise recording, a particular exercise like cycling motion of baby’s legs or even a secret family trick passed down through generations. Remember, you're not alone in this, and together, we can help each other navigate this challenging yet precious time.  You've Got This, Mama!  

Every mom needs a village- we have built that community for you! Join -ZactiveTM moms and meet your mom friends!

Watch our insightful video with Dr. Harsha who shares invaluable insights on C-section recovery based on her expertise and personal experiences. 

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  • Neha Goyal

    Hey fellow mommies! Dealing with a colicky baby can be tough, but there are plenty of things you can try to help ease their discomfort. First off, consider giving your little one a gentle massage or a warm bath to help relax their muscles and soothe them. If you’re breastfeeding, experimenting with your diet to see if certain foods might be causing the colic could be helpful. And don’t forget about burping! Making sure your baby burps frequently during and after feeding can really help release any trapped gas that might be making them uncomfortable. Some parents also swear by herbal remedies like chamomile or fennel tea, but it’s always a good idea to check with your pediatrician first. And of course, remember that time and patience are key. Colic usually starts to improve around three to four months of age, so hang in there and don’t hesitate to reach out for support if you need it. Thanks to House of Zelena for creating such a wonderful community for mothers!

  • Amisha

    Colic was a hard time for me and here are some steps which helped us! Comfort Measures: Gentle rocking, swaddling, or holding your baby close can offer comfort during colic episodes.
    Feeding Techniques: If breastfeeding, try adjusting your diet to eliminate potential triggers like caffeine or gas-inducing foods. For formula-fed babies, consider switching to a hypoallergenic formula. Ensure proper burping techniques during and after feeding to reduce gas.
    Probiotics: Some studies suggest that probiotics may help alleviate colic symptoms by promoting a healthy gut microbiome in infants. Consult with your pediatrician before introducing any supplements.
    Gas Relief Drops: Over-the-counter gas relief drops containing simethicone can help break up gas bubbles in your baby’s digestive tract, providing relief from colic symptoms.
    White Noise: Using white noise machines or playing soothing sounds may help calm your baby and reduce fussiness associated with colic.
    Calm Environment: Create a calm and soothing environment for your baby by dimming lights, minimizing noise, and avoiding overstimulation during colic episodes.

  • Upasna shah

    Keeping my baby on the shoulder so her stomach gets a little pressed and taking a walk on the terrace with fresh air. Doing the I Love You massage worked a lot for me. I apply the hing roll everyday evening and night for my babu as she is extremely collicy. I also give tummy time everyday evening. And the days I know I have eaten something heavy otmr change in schedule I give her colicaid

  • Bandana Sharma

    As a parent who has experienced colic firsthand with my 3-year-old when she was just 6 months old, I can truly empathize with other parents going through similar struggles. Colic can be incredibly challenging, both emotionally and physically, for both the baby and the entire family. It’s reassuring to come across informative articles like this that shed light on the topic and offer support and guidance to parents in need. Thank you for addressing this important issue!"

    And here are some things that helped soothe your 3-year-old when she had colic:

    1. Swaddling: Wrapping her snugly in a swaddle blanket helped to provide a sense of security and comfort.
    2. White noise: Playing soothing sounds like white noise or gentle lullabies helped to calm her down and drown out other noises.
    3. Gentle motion: Rocking her in a rocking chair or gently swaying her in my arms helped to ease her discomfort.
    4. Warm baths: Warm baths helped to relax her tense muscles and provided relief from colic symptoms.
    5. Tummy massage: Gentle massage on her tummy in a clockwise motion helped to ease gas and digestive discomfort.
    6. Change in diet: For breastfeeding mothers, adjusting my diet to avoid certain foods that could potentially aggravate her colic symptoms helped to alleviate her discomfort.

    Every baby is different, so it’s important to experiment with different soothing techniques to find what works best for your little one. Remember to also take care of yourself and seek support from friends, family, or healthcare professionals when needed. You’re not alone in this journey!

  • Mansi

    Mom of a10 month old boy. I feel colic is a very hard thing for moms as we dont know what to do and why baby is crying. i had a hing roll on as well which was working and also watching what i eat was working

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